1.845 tons of steel structures for the
renovation of the Rozenburgsesluis, the Netherlands
1.845 tons of steel structures for the renovation of the Rozenburgsesluis, the Netherlands
Around 20,000 ships pass through the Rozenburgsesluis every year. The lock provides easy access to and from the western port area. As various parts of the lock needed replacement, the lock was renovated. Here, Intra BV was the partner for the supply of various types of steel structures, namely; approach piles, guideposts and mooring piles.
Approach piles are made so that people can drive their boats against them. These steel structures protect the structure of the lock; the approach pile sacrifices itself, so to speak.
Guideposts are designed to guide a boat towards the lock. This ensures that everyone can pass through the lock properly without causing collateral damage.
Mooring piles are made for, as the word says, mooring, allowing the skipper to comfortably wait before the lock opens and he can pass through.
In total, we delivered 1.845 tons of steel structures, many of which were coated. As each type of steel structure has its own requirements, we supplied a combination of spirally welded and combined tubes.