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Road Plates, Sheet Piles and our unique
patented Bracing System for this project in Brunsbüttel, Germany

Road Plates, Sheet Piles and our unique patented Bracing System for this project in Brunsbüttel, Germany

The proof of Intra being the one stop shop for everything regarding steel materials is this reference in Brunsbüttel, Germany. For this project we delivered Road Plates, Sheet Piles and our unique patented Bracing System.

Road Plates

We provided our customer with Steel and composite Road Plates with a total surface are of appr. 44.535m2. To meet the wishes of our customer we delivered these Road Plates in different phases for over 8 weeks, in which each phase had its own amount of calculated Road Plates needed, taking into account the progress of the project.

Sheet Piles

For a total of 6 building pits we delivered different kinds of Hot Rolled Sheet Piles for rent for a total of appr. 920 tons. By renting our Sheet Piles, instead of buying them, our customer was able to save a lot of money on the project’s budget because of the short lead time. The Sheet Piles were delivered with a minimum steel grade of S270GP and had various lengths starting from 11,75m and with maximum lengths of 16m.

Bracing system

For the building pits our Bracing System was needed in different lay-outs, therefore we provided each individual building pit with a custom design and calculation of our unique patented Bracing System. By using our B400 and B500 Bracing together with the S1000 and S2000 struts, divided over the different building pits, we were able to create a safe working environment.