Steel sheet pile walls and specials for dams
in eastern Netherlands
Steel sheet pile walls and specials for dams in eastern Netherlands
The purpose of the new dams project is to control as much water as possible in the eastern Netherlands. To prevent dehydration and to make better use of the available water.
By building many (>200 st) smaller weirs the water in smaller areas can be controlled well. The Water Board designs and builds the dams under its own management, with its own people and equipment. Sometimes specific designs and solutions are applied per location to meet the environmental requirements as much as possible. Intra supplies all steel sheet pile walls and specials for this purpose.
By building many (>200 st) smaller weirs the water in smaller areas can be controlled well. The Water Board designs and builds the dams under its own management, with its own people and equipment. Sometimes specific designs and solutions are applied per location to meet the environmental requirements as much as possible. Intra supplies all steel sheet pile walls and specials for this purpose.